Sunday, June 6, 2010

One Week Later....

A week has passed since Tucker's last nursing. He is doing really pretty great! He is usually upset most in the mornings, that must have been the time he was most attached to his Mulk and Mommy time. He still asks for Mulk several times a day but it is getting easier and easier to distract him. We have also stayed extremely busy this week just to take his mind off of it.

On Tuesday, I conceded to the eczema and started a low dose steroid cream. After only six applications, the eczema is gone. I stopped using it but am watching his legs like a hawk for any kind of flare up.

On Wednesday I took Tucker for blood work for an allergy test. We are running a pediatric food panel and a Midwest seasonal profile. The lab sends the blood to the Mayo Clinic and it will take about a week to get results. I am so hopeful we will get some answers so we can eliminate the aggravating factor.

Tucker has, understandably, been much more hungry! He is eating massive amounts of food and I swear he's gained weight and grown in height! He actually ate two separate dinners tonight! He has also discovered a new favorite snack: Jello aka Lello.

1 comment:

Sarah @ said...

Oh, sigh. This post has made me eager to have my baby wake up. She's still nursing, but the last few nights she's started refusing to nurse to sleep - instead prefering to lay near her daddy and nurse in the morning. It breaks my heart that someday she'll call it quits. They grow too fast!